
Quality is visible both regionally and internationally: Selaestus was selected as TOP 5 Emerging Executive Search Firm in Germany 2023 by Manage HR Magazine in June 2023. Sustainability is deeply embedded in the guidelines of our work and is reflected in the selection of our projects as well as in our way of working. We are particularly pleased that our focus on Green Recruiting and Green Technology has been recognized and we will continue to keep our focus on sustainable solutions for people and our planet. Our thanks go to all our clients and candidates, without whom we would never have come this far!

We are Employer of the Future

Selaestus has been awarded the “Employer of the Future” certification by the German Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (DIND). The award is presented to medium-sized companies that operate in a particularly sustainable, digital and modern way. We are delighted to receive the award and will continue to focus on sustainability and digitalization in our corporate development.

Green Recruiting – sustainable and international.

  • Selaestus has recognized future trends and has aligned its own projects and corporate strategy accordingly.
  • Selaestus cooperates with companies that are involved in Green Technologies.
  • Selaestus brings sustainable companies together with competent and value-oriented leaders.
  • Selaestus has established thoughtful, considerate and scientifically sound ways of working.
  • Selaestus has many years of industry and network expertise as well as multiple award-winning know-how in the selection and evaluation of managers.

This was already well received in 2017 and 2019.

  • Selaestus was voted Headhunter of the Year in 2017 and 2019.
  • Selaestus works with 360-degree profiling, which stands out in an industry comparison.
  • Selaestus focuses on individuality and makes potential visible.
    With this concept, Selaestus ensures “cultural fit” and diversity in management profiles.
  • Selaestus sets an example for sustainability and talent development, is established in diversity and knowledge management.
  • For each successfully placed candidate, Selaestus plants a tree – a symbol that sustainability lasts longer in HR consulting as well.

FOCUS-MAGAZIN: We are among the Top Executive Search Companies 2020.

Once a year, the FOCUS-BUSINESS magazine, in cooperation with the market research institute Statista, publishes a list of the top executive search companies in Germany, based on surveys of HR managers in companies as well as candidates and external HR service providers. We are pleased to be included in the “Executive Search” category in 2020.

The decisive factors for the candidates were the quality and selection of the vacancies offered, communication during and after the placement, and the quality of service throughout the application process. HR professionals indicated that the quality and selection of candidate profiles, quality of service, speed of placement, and value for money were the most important factors for them.

This ranking is a great honor for us and encourages us to consistently continue on our path of sustainable personnel consulting.


Biodiversity is an economic factor

The images from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg in recent months and weeks show that the natural and climate crisis is having devastating consequences for people, society and the economy, even here in the highly developed industrialised country of Germany. And this is not just a fact, but also a call to action. That is why we have decided to join the first Alliance for Biodiversity! The alliance was recently founded as part of the “Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt” (Ubi) project funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

As a new member, we want to ensure that biodiversity is recognised as an economic factor in the German administration and economy and is lived accordingly! We have been focusing on green recruiting in HR consulting for many years, work in the entire infrastructure, fill first and second level management positions there and regularly deal with topics such as climate protection and climate change, renewable energies, decarbonisation, biodiversity, etc. Among other things, we work for agricultural companies, are active in forestry ourselves with our own forest in Brandenburg, which we are recultivating with an internationally renowned foundation and are already contributing to biodiversity with over 38 tree species. Biodiversity is important to us, anchoring biodiversity as an economic factor – a mission!

The Selaestus Team

The principles we follow when filling management positions apply to our team as well: We complement each other in professional and human terms and are bound together by a common set of values as well as by our enjoyment of our work. Equality and the development of potentials are part of our everyday life! In short: As a living ecosystem, we grow with our tasks.

„Managers can be success drivers for every company – if they are enthusiastic about their job, motivate themselves and others, and act authentically and sustainably. Therefore, in a personal interview we carefully clarify: Who am I? What do I want? How do I efficiently achieve my goals?“

Dr. Regina Ruppert

Managing Director, Founder, Entrepreneur


„The quality of a good HR consultancy can be seen, for example, in the discreet and well-prepared way in which it contacts board members and supervisory board members at eye level.“

Dr. Bernd Ruppert

CFO, Co-Partner, Business Angel


„When searching for the executives who are the best fit, we draw on a variety of sources – for example, an extensive database, the good recommendations from our networks, and our expertise from social media channels and the large number of previous search projects.“

Paul Maximilian Buchelt

Recruitment Consultant


„Menschen zu bewegen, in den Organisationen auf die Erfolgsspur zu bringen, das macht Sinn und Freude. Aufrichtige und intensive Gespräche über die persönlichen Herausforderungen und Ziele ermöglichen eine positive Candidate Experience, die die Motivation und Leidenschaft für den Auftraggeber noch weiter wachsen lässt. “

Katharina Marie Woitzik

Executive Search Specialist


„What sets us apart is openness to the concerns of the contact persons and a friendly, appreciative approach to all interlocutors.“

Jennifer Tietz

HR Projektmanagement


„Diskretion und Vertrauenswürdigkeit in der Personalberatung fängt bei einem dauerhaft stabilen und sicheren Datenschutz an.“

Guido Fiensch

Administrator/ IT-Manager

Linked by a strong network

We are active in regional and national networks, associations and professional organizations. We are committed to strategic HR management topics, e.g. demographic change, female leadership, control bodies or talent management. Dr. Regina Ruppert actively implements these topics as a long-standing member of the BDU (Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmens- und Personalberater e.V.), as a long-standing member of the BFB (Bundesverband der Freien Berufe e.V.) or as a representative of employers at large social insurance carriers.

In the field of universities and academic education, Dr. Regina Ruppert has profound expertise: She is a member of the university council of a German university and conducts career coaching for alumni of well-known universities as well as moderations and lectures on her main topics. Selaestus also promotes young academics through lectures and courses and by regularly sponsoring German scholarships.

Whether in the context of various mandates in supervisory bodies, in networks such as “Woman in Mobility” or as the initiator of a foundation for new advisory boards: Dr. Regina Ruppert is particularly committed to promoting women in management positions.

Keeping up to date and dealing constructively with leadership-related topics is a matter of course for our team: That’s why, for example, we regularly take part in panel discussions and conferences such as Startup Night and love to share insights, views and new developments in our blog posts.