What our forest project and personnel consulting have in common.
Where’s the best place? Does the location offer enough space to develop healthily? How will the seedling get along with neighbors and the community? Planting a tree has more to do with reoccupying a position than a first glance might suggest. That’s why we decided to acquire land – with a forest that perfectly reflects our commitment to sustainability:
In sustainable forestry, too, the actual stand and the general conditions are analyzed first. After that, it‘s important to estimate medium and long-term changes (estimare) and finally to select the right planting material and locations (selectare) in order to be able to operate profitably in the long term. Just as personnel decisions have a significant influence on the development of the company, each individual decision has far-reaching consequences for the social and ecosystem of the forest.
Our Forest
Partners, concept and goals
The Selaestus forest, a good 20 ha in size, is located in the Elbaue lowlands in Brandenburg. After purchasing it in 2017, we decided on cooperation partners who could best support us in sustainable maintenance and reforestation – the non-profit August Bier Foundation as well as the Brandenburg forestry association “Am Butterbach/Prignitz”.
The internationally recognized August Bier Foundation is particularly committed to the ecological renaturation of forest areas and conducts very successful research on this subject. The regional forestry association ensures the implementation of the measures according to recognized forestry principles.
With our tree project, we found a concept that convincingly reflects the principles of our holistic human resources consulting and enables us to assume ecological and social responsibility.
For example, we use ecological forest management to compensate for the environmental impact caused by the travels of all those involved in the staffing process. At the same time, we also want to act in a socio-political way by raising awareness of the value of the forest as a habitat – a habitat that plays a crucial role today and in the future.
Sustainable and ecological forest management and the development of a climate- and site-appropriate mixed forest are topics that are very close to our hearts. In particular, we consider climatic changes and their effects on soil and tree species.
In addition, we advocate for closer linkages between the forestry community, academia, business, and the public. Here, the involvement of decision-makers is particularly important, as they often act as role models for their organizations and employees. With our project, we would like to arouse interest in forestry and silvicultural topics and invite people to become actively involved in reforestation and reclamation projects.

Grow with Selaestus:
For each newly filled position we plant a tree with character.
As a symbol of a holistic, long-term and appreciative approach to human resources, we enable our clients to become sustainably active within the framework of our “Grow with Selaestus” project: For successfully placed candidates, we plant a new tree corresponding to the person’s personality. Up to now, there are already more than 30 different tree species in our forest.
This is how you set an example as a company:

Fill a position
With our help, you find the right person – and become a tree sponsor.

Choose a tree
We select the right tree species for you from our “tree portfolio” and pay for the tree. If you want, the tree can also be marked with the name of the new executive.

Let it grow
We take care of planting and growing and guarantee professional forestry care for the next 25 years.
You would like to support the “Grow with Selaestus” project,
but you don’t have a position to fill at the moment?
Don’t worry, we are happy to hear from anyone
who makes a sustainable commitment with a new tree!
You have the choice.
Our “tree characters” are as individual as the leaders who will assert and develop themselves in their new environment. You know best which one might match your new executive:

Douglas Fir: Stable Adaptor
Originally native to North America, the evergreen Douglas fir completely integrates into a new ecosystem in a short period of time. It is extremely adaptable, grows quickly and unfolds its potential in the most diverse regions of the world.

Linden: Versatile Communicator
The linden tree has always been the center of village life and a meeting place for young and old. Its generous crown offers protection and security, and the heart-shaped leaves are often regarded as a symbol of love. In order to develop optimally, it needs a lot of free space.

Alder: Storm-resistant Pioneer
The alder prefers waters and swampy soils, but is stable and firmly anchored due to its good root system. Through its symbiosis with a ray fungus, the alder uses nitrogen as a nutrient: this allows it to conquer even nutrient-poor soils for itself.

Beech: Vertical Climbers with a firm grip on the ground
Beech trees often remain at a low altitude for years until storms or old age knock down one of the mother trees and light finally falls on them. From that moment on, they shoot resolutely towards the sky to fairly share space in the sun with other “big ones.”

Oak: Robust Shaper
Steadfast and commanding, the oak defies every storm. It thrives best as a solitary, is very hardy, virtually immune to disease and can easily live to be 500 years old. Due to its indomitable nature, it masters every challenge with flying colors.
These trees are already planted.
Discover the different trees in our forest on a digital walk or call up the coordinates of your personal tree by entering its number.
German Forest Award
Nominated for “Forest Owner of the Year 2020”.
We are thrilled to see that also in this area awards are are within reach! For the first time, we were nominated in the “Forest Owner of the Year 2020” category of the “German Forest Award” and were among the three finalists.
Thanks a lot for supporting us!